How to Get Involved

As a small non-profit organisation, volunteers are the foundation of our organisation. From help at events to day to day activities there is a lot you can do to help. Below you can find a list of some of the current roles we would love to fill, if you have any other skills or are willing to learn a new one, please do contact us.

Current skills needed:

  • Event Stewards
  • Event CoA Stall Helpers
  • Proof Readers/ Editors(preferably with publishing experience)
  • Graphic Designers
  • Social Media Content Creators
  • Magazine Contributors
  • Local Gathering Organisers
  • Website Support and Developer
  • Sound Engineers and Stage Crew

If you think you can fill any of the roles above and want to know more please fill the application form below, and we will get in touch!

    Title (Optional)

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Date of Birth (required)

    Phone Number (required)

    Your Address (required)

    What Role are you applying for? (optional)

    Do you have any specific skills? (optional)

    Any relevant experience or training? (optional)

    Why would you like to volunteer for CoA? (optional)

    Contact Preferences

    We will NEVER share your details with anyone else to use for their purposes. You can change your contact preferences at any time at the Keep in Touch page.

    Please let us know how you would like to hear from us:

    • Ensure you check email so we can schedule a phone conversation to discuss your application

    • Children of Artemis never send advertising by post, only items you are entitled to from purchases you have made, or memberships

    • Phone is ONLY used if it is urgent or a call has been arranged and/or requested, we NEVER make any calls that you are not expecting so it is safe to tick this

    By using this form you agree to provide the information to Children of Artemis about becoming a volunteer and therefore being contacted by Children of Artemis regarding your application.