Publisher Dark Moon Press
Children will love this book of short stories, poems and activities on folklore, fairies and myths. This book is an easy way to teach children some of the concepts within paganism in the entertaining form of stories. While this book is ideal for any pagan child, especially those who are beginning to ask questions, that is not it’s only audience. In this multi-cultural world children from any background would enjoy the stories,
it will broaden they outlook even if they do not percieve the messages within them. “Littlewing and the Phoenix” is a beautiful story with a suitably magical ending. “Trick or Treat” is an entertaining and easy to read Samhain ghost story, not in the slightest frightening. At the end of the book is a really useful section for teachers and parents who want to use some of the material in the book for rituals or performances. My favourite story is the “Legend of the Green Man”, that tells the real story of Father Christmas, highly recommended.
Available as a paperback and you can order your copy by following this link.
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